Friday, April 29, 2011

Final Assessment

Was the Steve Harrison Quantum Leap Book Marketing and Author Business course worth it?

I say yes. Did I make the money back? Not with my book but I have other products and web sites.

Did other people make the money back? Yes.
Did some not even come close to making the money back? Yes.

Because that's the way people are. Sign up for things, don't do the work and guess what? No result.

I saw people go from making $200 a day for consulting to earning $60,000 per contract. Another woman started a successful radio program that doubled her consulting practice.
A man worked out a deal to do joint marketing with Jack Canfield.

I don't want to consult. I don't want to be a speaker. I have no desire to be a blogger. I just want to sell books and take my message to the world through the radio. That isn't the way to riches. But then again that wasn't and still isn't my goal.

Here's what happened.
I started with no book. I now have a completed book.

I've been on multiple radio shows. The copy provided by Steve's team is excellent.

My book is doing well on the kindle.

Why are these two things important? Because my target market is educated women in their 50's. You won't find most of them on twitter or reading blogs but you will find them listening to the radio and a large number have the kindle.

How has targeting 50 year old women worked for me? They buy books and they can afford to buy multiple copies to hand out to friends. I get orders for 10 - 15 books all the time. A 20 year old might want to do that but probably couldn't afford to.

The quantum leap program. If you can afford it, I recommend it. Whatever your level it will take you not only to the next level but you truly will make a quantum leap. And no I'm not an affiliate nor am I associated with Steve Harrison as any kind of expert.

I received tons of consulting for every step of the book making/marketing/spinning off businesses process.

Steve was always flexible. When I told him I wanted to focus on radio and had no interest in television he gave me extra time with the radio expert rather than having me spend time with the television person. When I wanted early consulting from the story telling expert he arranged it.

Steve is also a brilliant marketer. He will brain storm marketing ideas with you and they are always incredible. He's a genius at that.

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